
Re: HBLR railfanning => police action. Excuse ME - KEEP it TO TRAINS NOT Politics (700565)

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Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 2 15:17:49 2004, in response to Re: HBLR railfanning => police action. Excuse ME - KEEP it TO TRAINS NOT Politics,
posted by Peter Rosa on Sun May 2 10:48:04 2004.

"The government lies. There is zero danger of further terrorist attacks in the United States, for the simple reason that if there were any active terrorist cells here they would have struck already. I guarantee you, the government knows this. Unfortunately, everybody's going mucking fental because American people aren't willing to accept defeat. We can't adjust to the fact that 19 dimwitted towel heads were able to pull off the most crushing military defeat in American history. In response, we're striking out blindly, and railfans unfortunately are among the innocent victims. If we as Americans were more gracious about accepting the occasional battlefield defeat none of this would happen.

So now you are going to guarantee the safety of every American man, woman and child? You are obviously eating too many mushrooms. I'll skip over your racist characterization of Arab people as "dimwitted towel heads". It just shows what a hypoctite you are. Now, Peter, you may consider this a personal attack if you wish but you are a complete fucking idiot. 3,000 innocent Americans died in that attack. It cost this country and the city of NY billions of dollars and changed our collective lifestyles for the forseeable future. If you think we should accept it with grace - If you think we should accept it as an occasional battlefield defeat then you are beneath contempt. Fortunately, I don't believe that the majority of Subtalkers (OR AMERICANS) find your point of view anything more than mindless drivel (other than johnny Q-Tips).


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