
Re: Home from hospital: (476363)

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Posted by Larry,RedbirdR33 on Sat Apr 12 00:11:20 2003, in response to Home from hospital:,
posted by CC LOCAL on Fri Apr 11 10:28:20 2003.

CC : WELCOME BACK. And don't stop asking questions. Having been on several fantrips I have had the pleasure of making the acquaitance of many of the members of this board and have corresponded with several others by e-mail. Both young and old they are a highly intelligent cadre of railfans and a fine group of guys (and girls). However this being a free board. (Well free for us not for Dave, he pays the bills.) There will always be the shirkers and trolls and know-it-alls who feel it is there duty to act superior and put down others.

Don't be put off by these nitwits.

Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.

Larry, RedbirdR33


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