
Home from hospital: (475869)

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Posted by CC LOCAL on Fri Apr 11 10:28:20 2003

I just came home from the hospital after nearly two days. I was told by my nephew Dave that a lot of ugly stuff startered here, doubting my illness. Let's all clear this up, so we can get back to normal.First of all, I was in the process of changing over my old e-mail adress when my nephew was visiting my mother and I. THAT's when the chest pains started. My brother, who lives nearby, rushed me to the emergency room. Dave stood with my mother, as she is housebound and needed someone to be there. Dave volunteered. I told him I was very grateful to him for letting my FRIENDS here know what was going on. BUT, I also wish he hadn't, as I know full well some here have resented my numerous postings. I had told him much about Subtalk, and how much I was enjoying meeting the guys here. He HAS the password to my computer, as he does the work on it, as I am not very computer-literate. He told me the crap that started here late last evening. He was VERY concerned (as was ALL my family) , and was posting frequently out of nervosness over my condition, which was VERY VERY painful. So, guys, I'm here, and out of the hospital, and the doc said I have to TRY to shed some stress, which was largely responsible for this. To my friends here, I AM CC, I am back, and this whole ugly episode with the hospital was true and very painful..I only wish it were false. The pain was really scary. To those who believed, I thank you sincerley. I have come to really enjoy SubTalk, and the guys here. Please, let this ugly matter drop. Thanks all. John (CC)


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