Well it would have to had happened in the 90s because that is when I saw this route take drastic changes. Here is why I think it has major problems at
1) This bus route has no attraction to customers. THe B 41 Limited when it came out had limited stops at all bus transfer points except Corteleyou Rd, Why?
2)Exception of Rush hours, Corteleyou Road customers don't go as far as McDonald Av and most customers no matter what time usually transfer for the B 68. However it is rear to see anyone on the B 68 transfer onto the B 23
3)16 Av customers has light ridership and only on rush hours where there is at least 3 - 4 buses running in an hour are school kids and they go as far as Coney Island Av
4) Because of the 30 minute waits. U don't see Cortelyou Rd customers waiting on the B 23 unless it happeneds to be arround. And that is the only area that has a bussiness district. So what does that tell u.
5)Weekends overall there is either few people about 6 or there is no one.
6) On the good side the B 23 is a good route for getting at seat on the B 67 during the Am rush. An alternative to the B 35 to get to the B 68 or B 41 local if u can get it