
Re: Olympics (was Re: Times Square) (709793)

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Posted by wdobner on Wed May 19 17:51:03 2004, in response to Re: Olympics (was Re: Times Square),
posted by Douce Man on Wed May 19 11:04:28 2004.

It's likely that all venues will be finished, and if they planners are smart, all major transit and transportation issues relating directly to the games will be finished in time. However, if you want the Stubway, the 7 Train extension, a Meadowlands rail line for NJT, and other transit projects finished by 2012 (partial ARC?), at least a few are going to have to be fast-tracked. Fast Tracking a project can lead to major problems, since you are building the project before the design process has finished, and design refinements continue through the constrution process. This can lead to many problems with the design, layout and supply chain for the project, if the engineers are still working out a tunnel, and the contractor is starting to look at starting work on it, he's not going to have any idea as to how much concrete to buy. A project that is 'done' for the Olympics may either need to be rebuilt shortly after the games, or will have costs that balloon well over even our current ideas of cost overruns. On a more sinister note, several fast tracked programs have had to be torn down after completion due to massive design or construction blunders, we certainly don't want this to happen with vital transportation infrastructure in the NYC area, especially since the Politicos are likely to say "Screw that, the games are over, why do we need a 7 train to Javits?"

Thus perhaps a better question to ask is "If NYC gets the 2012 Olympics, how much of our infrastructure improvement for the games will be fast tracked?" The only real answer I can come up with for it right now is that if NYC starts tommorow, there'll be fewer fast tracked programs than if they the day after. Most of the transit improvements for the games are needed now anyway, so why not just build them anyway? After all, it'll look good to the IOC.


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