
Re: So, I rode RiverLine and PATCO today (702787)

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Posted by Sir Ronald of McDonald on Thu May 6 12:42:12 2004, in response to So, I rode RiverLine and PATCO today,
posted by Basman on Thu May 6 12:31:03 2004.

One important thing to not - they need new cars...BADLY. Those things are SCREAMING 70's...the colors, the shapes of everything, the lack of cab (okay, so they have a dividing wall and curtain...how safe!

I disagree. The PATCO cars have one of the best end designs, from a railfan's perspective. I don't know what perspective you are evaluating them from, but as a railfan, the railfan window is great, the railfan seat is even better, and the unobstructed view into the cab is pretty unique. So my opinion is that they should never replace those cars, or just keep building new copies of the same design, as they've already done once (Vickers/Budd).

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