
Re: How was it to ride the subway lines in the 60's and 70's? (93189)

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Posted by Jeffrey Rosen on Mon Feb 7 01:00:03 2000, in response to Re: How was it to ride the subway lines in the 60's and 70's?,
posted by Wayne-MrSlantR40 on Mon Feb 7 00:27:39 2000.

Did you ever ride the predecessor of the N-6, the Bee Line with their red fishbowls and old style GMC's? (No Macks, Paul) Their Hempstead Terminal in those days was on a street that doesn't exist now, Little Main Street then they went through a very bumpy dirt lot to Franklyn Av to Hempstead Tnpk. That bumpy lot was a great ride on the rear seat of the old GMC!!
Now the N-6 goes from the Hempstead Terminal. By the way, I remember a Newsday article where the Bee Line had all their buses adjusted to omit a rose bud scented exhast from their pipes!!


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