
Re: 2003 Ridership Figures -- Observations (746131)

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Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 27 20:13:28 2004, in response to Re: 2003 Ridership Figures -- Observations,
posted by GP38 Chris on Tue Jul 27 09:55:59 2004.

As for Bowery, the area above Bowery is being gentrified, many college aged people and young people are moving in, so the station will have steady increases in the coming years, it's days are also getting brighter.

But Bowery's usage will always be limited by the fact that you can't get directly to midtown from there.

Say I'm standing at the corner of Bowery and Delancey. If I want to get to lower Manhattan or certain parts of Brooklyn, down I go. But if I want to get to midtown (by far the most popular destination for subway riders), unless it's pouring rain, I'll take a little walk to Essex, or Grand, or Spring/Lafayette. Ditto if I want to get to other parts of Brooklyn, or the Bronx, or most of Queens.

It's a useful station, but its use is limited.


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