
Re: 2003 Ridership Figures (745866)

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Posted by Charles G on Tue Jul 27 12:48:38 2004, in response to Re: 2003 Ridership Figures,
posted by Douce Man on Tue Jul 27 11:57:41 2004.

Actually, Howard Beach ridership will likely be down in 2004. The statistics released by the PA indicate that AirTrain ridership from Howard Beach is about 10% lower than the amount that previously transferred to the shuttle bus.

If I interpret the available stats correctly, Howard Beach ridership has historically split approximately 50/50 between JFK traffic and local area passengers -- though certainly at particular times during the day the appearance may be 95/5 in one direction or the other.

As a result, you should see Howard Beach ridership go down by 5% for the year if current trends continue.

Presumably, the ridership drop at Howard Beach is simply a shift to some going to Jamaica to catch AirTrain and some going to Lefferts for a free Q10 transfer. It will be interesting to see what happens to the Lefferts stats in 2004.



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