
Re: Undercover Stilwell in Palestine (716137)

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Posted by Peter Rosa on Sun May 30 23:48:46 2004, in response to Undercover Stilwell in Palestine,
posted by Elias on Sun May 30 13:21:53 2004.

The Major Problem, as I see it is that they failed to Build Subway Trains. The Whole country is so small, that it could be served by a subway system not much larger than New York's. If there were subways, people could get to and from jobs in different neighborhoods. They could have mixed in better, and have become one people. But alsass, they did not do this in 1948 when the R-10s were new, and now those are gone, and with them their chances for peace in the land.

Makes you wonder whether New York's racial/ethnic relationships would be worse if it weren't for the influence of the subway.

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