
Re: Ultimate Guide to Pelham 1-2-3 (590638)

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Posted by randyo573 on Sun Oct 26 16:08:15 2003, in response to Ultimate Guide to Pelham 1-2-3,
posted by David Pirmann - Web Site Host on Sun Oct 26 14:31:00 2003.

I remember when "Pelham 123" was shot as I was working the Lex. Av. console of the IRT in the Command Center at the time. The full train used for all the interior and some of the exterior scenes was a 6 car train of R-22s which up until that time had never seen regular service on the Pelham Line (although I recall seeing 1 or 2 R-22s mixed in a train of R-17s in late 1958). I had friends in the TA Public Relations Dep't. who were to try to get me a cameo role in the movie, but the producers had created some friction with the TA Legal Dep't. and as a result the TA denied the movie company the right to use any facility that was not absolutely necessary to the filming of the movie. Thus a movie set had to be created for Grand Central Tower and the Command Center which explains its lack of authenticity. As for the mainline scenes, some were shot on the Lex Av mainline and others were shot between Court Street station and Hoyt-Schermerhorn. This was in the days before the museum and was a location frequently used for movie shoots. As for the rectangular columns at 51 St, the upper Lex. Av. Subway was built under the dual contracts and therefore would have more modern construction. As for the pseudo IND type of tile work at stations below Grand Central, these platforms on the southbound side only were done immediately post WWII and were in fact done in an INDish style so they don't match the original 1904 construction. I don't recall the conductor descrbing the car lengths as being 72 ft long, but it seems that he said they were 75 ft long which is still erroneous, since the R-44s and R-46s were new to the property and were not even "B" Division standard at the time.

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