
Re: Elevator-fanning? (535062)

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Posted by Nick on Sun Jul 27 03:29:04 2003, in response to Elevator-fanning?,
posted by Qtraindash7 on Sat Jul 26 20:02:21 2003.

I can't recommend any fast elevators others than the ones that have already been mentioned. But if you want an old-fashioned elevator experience, go to an old factory building that has preserved their elevators. For a brief time in the 90s, my dad's business set up shop at the Bridgeport Innovation Center in Bridgeport, CT. One of the freight elevators (which can also be used by people) had a "garage door" type design, except half the door came down from the top, while the other half came up from the bottom to close it (which was necessary to make the elevator operational). There was a lever to operate it, you pushed it one way to go up and the other way to go down. To call the elevator, you had to hold onto either the up or down button until the elevator came to your floor. This was kind of fun if you were in the mood for some mischief; once I fooled around with the buttons for a minute when the cleaning lady was on it..she was trying to go up, but I made her go down at the push of a button!

The other elevator was even simpler. It had a different gate system, and no levers or call buttons. All it had was a rope that you pulled; you pulled it one way to go up and the other way to go down. I don't remember how you stopped it though. -Nick

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