
Re: R32 vs. R38 (468268)

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Posted by J Lee on Mon Mar 31 21:42:28 2003, in response to Re: R32 vs. R38,
posted by Railfan Pete on Mon Mar 31 17:17:43 2003.

It was a modifcation the TA came up with, presumably with the idea that if the lights were behind the ads, they would be brighter and therefore more likely to be read by the passengers.

The change actually started on the R-32 cars -- for some odd reason, the R-32As (3350-3649) had the standard lighting arrangement like the R-16 through R-36 cars, while the R-32s (3650-3949) were given both the new lighting and the modified axleflow fans, which pointed most of the air away from the people directly below and instead pushed it off to the sides at the top of the car, presumably to better circulate the hot air rising from the crowded passenger area below.

In both cases, the ideas were misguided -- the cars were much dimmer and the fans merele blew more hot air down on the passengers, as well as causing some ugly-looking soot marks to develop on the ceiling.

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