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Posted by Jeff Trevas on Wed Apr 29 00:12:27 1998, in response to Re: HELP! For My model subway-Believe me, it's BIG!, posted by Gary Jacobi on Tue Apr 28 12:27:49 1998.
I'm trying to keep MY subway model small, to fit in my home office, around my desk. Interesting to see other people's trials. I plan to have the subway part (most of the layout) as a more-or-less IND E train from Kew Gardens to Queens plaza (in 35 feet?). This is a nostalgia trip (I'm in AZ now). Three stations, in diorama format. The rest of the tunnels will be as described in an earlier post of mine, which will allow peek-a-boo sightings of the trains.
Biggest problem so far: finding ho-scale IND R1-9 cars. No makee. No sellee. I'm not good enough to scratch-build. IRT will rule, for now.
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