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Posted by Eric B on Fri Mar 23 20:19:41 2001, in response to Re: A&B Div Mixed Consists ?, posted by R36 #9346 on Thu Mar 22 10:13:47 2001.
Just yesterday week we did some yard moves with money cars OR/IR719 coupled to 4 R-32's. I was happy because now I could say I moved A div. cars, particularly the R-21/22's I so liked growing up, and which you can't ride in passenger service any more (and you would have to pick "Subdivision C: Miscellaneous equipment" to get a regular job moving them).
But In passenger service? I don't think so, ever. This definitely would have been mentioned in the transit clubs and subway history books. If the old Q cars and others would receive extended sills to operate on the BMT, it seems it was never within policy to run unextended cars and just warn the customers to watch the gap.
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