
Re: R30 (LarryRedbirdR33 help) (172952)

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Posted by Far Rockaway A Train on Sun Dec 3 01:16:48 2000, in response to Re: R30 (LarryRedbirdR33 help),
posted by Chris R27-R30 on Sat Dec 2 14:40:02 2000.

Well you might as well be shocked, because they were not on the Eastern Division during the times that I stated. Also, I don't know how in the world you come to the conclusion that you rode the train more than I did, when you said that you went "surfing once to three times a week" versus me riding the train everyday as well as the fact that the train ran right past my window 20 hours a day, seven days a week. My God. If I wasn't riding them, I was looking at them every single day and night.

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