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Posted by Patrick C. Jones on Thu Aug 10 15:45:55 2000, in response to Re: RED BIRDS TO SCRAP,
posted by R17-6570 on Sat Jul 22 15:23:57 2000.

The museum in question, The Railroad Museum of New England ( aka the Naugatuck Railroad) does indeed specialize in New England equipment. They are connected to Metro-North at Waterbury, as well as Guilford and (I think) Housatonic (via a much disused line)

Getting rapid transit cars in there will more than likely remain a fantasy, owing to the non-New England nature of subway cars, pesky FRA requirements, lack of high-level platforms and the fact that the museum already has equipment coming out of it's ears (most of it stored at a yard in Saybrook)

The Railroad Museum of New England

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