
Re: Favorite Engines (4128)

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Posted by RDChilds on Wed Jun 23 19:15:23 1999, in response to Re: Favorite Engines,
posted by Eric B on Wed Jun 23 18:42:57 1999.

Transmissions are a big part of why the buses sound different when they are winding out. Exhaust systems can effect the noise also.

One thing I have noticed in the past and never heard very loud on other buses was a transmission whine in second gear with a V-730 transmission on AMGenerals. It was very loud on AMG's when the bus was accellerating and occurred just prior to the bus shifting into 3rd gear. The best place to hear it was inside the bus. I've noticed that on every V-730 equipped AMG regardless of property. It sounds almost like a jet engine turbine starting when the tranny is winding out in 2nd. You can hear it on somewhat on the other models that use a V-730 but engine noise seems to drown it out.


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