
SubTalk Message Index Display Configuration

The form below can be used to change your index display preferences. The display types are as follows:

  • Chronological: The newest messages are at the top of the list.
  • By Threads: The newest threads and the newest messages in each thread are at the bottom.
  • By Threads, Reversed: Newest threads are at the top, followups in order underneath each thread.
  • Compressed: Only shows the first message in a thread, and the number of responses underneath each thread.

If your browser supports and is set to accept "cookies," your preferences will be remembered the next time you visit!

List messages:
Posted within the last:
Or, pick by date: through
To search by time, check the box and then pick a start month and year, and an end month and year.
To search by subject, check the box and then type in some keywords.
To search by poster, check the box and then type the beginning of an author's name.
List handles from which to suppress messages in listings, one per line, exactly as they appear in the poster's messages.

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