
Re: Cool view of 125th St/Broadway (750897)

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Posted by JPC on Tue Aug 3 20:04:50 2004, in response to Re: Cool view of 125th St/Broadway,
posted by Kevin Pacheco on Tue Aug 3 11:18:21 2004.

Yes - you're right. Riverside Church is slightly further to the west, just off the edge of the picture. I took a map and tried to extrapolate the viewing angle, and the position of the spire is just to the east of where Riverside Church should be. Riverside is also quite a bit taller (the highest spire, anyway).

You'd think I would know this, living in the neighborhood and all. Unfortunately that view is now obstructed by buildings at Barnard (in addition to my inability to see from such a high viewpoint as in the picture) so I've never seen things from that vantage point before.


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