I debated posting this but I am completely and totally fed up with what has been going on the past few days in regards to my son and as he mentioned the insurance "issues" I have gone around on this a few times and I decided I have to say something.
I apologize in advance as this is off topic but needs to be said.
I called the insurance company Wednesday because I wanted to find out what the proceedure would be for setting up a second opinion or consult for Dante. When I called the customer service rep that answered told me "Are you aware that the insurance policy you are calling about is set to expire August 1st?" Which of course I was not. She suggested that I call the employer/fund manager for the group and find out if they had changed policies or what the situation was.
Before i go any further let me just also state that there are approx 200 other families that would be affected by this who probably dont know this is about to happen.
This started a complete and total nightmare which to date has not ended. Dante's father and myself have been run through the wringer continually in the effort to find out IF my son will have coverage past the first, what to do if he does not...and have been by turns assured on the one hand, by his union and his employer that everything is fine, but then on the other hand we have gotten letters denying service(which includes the necessary surgery), notification of the policy expiring on the first (which arrived today). There have been calls made to my sons father suggesting that we take him out of the hospital that he is in and put him in a city hospital, this suggestion made by the benefits coordinator of the union that he belongs to.
The current result to all this is that Dante is still in the hospital and will not be coming home until all this is resolved. I have purposely left out the names of the employer(major corporation here in NYC) and the union as well as the names of the specific individuals involved. A phone call was made last night to my sons father that stated that the insurance was going to be extended. Of course the letters to which I am referring came in today..so it is anyone's guess as to what exactly will happen...meantime I am trying to keep Dante from getting totally disgusted with this and keep his spirits up but this whole situation has been a major nightmare from start to finish and it has not as of yet completed itself...