
Re: Times Square (711091)

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Posted by Jeff W on Fri May 21 18:00:19 2004, in response to Times Square,
posted by American Pig on Tue May 18 17:34:03 2004.

There's two interesting things there, one shows how things don't change and one shows how they do.

Apparently it still takes 30 years to dream up and build a rail line over 100 years later.
Unfortunately today when they see things aren't going good, they don't create more avenues and such.

Other than that you're using a cut, boring, and dry version of history with facts and dates. This is probably just 20% of the story, as history is writting by the people who live it, and not the metal sign going up on a building.
If you haven't done this, go find some old periodicals from this era, magazines and papers, and read the stories, editorials, letters, etc. Especially magazines where they have those LONG stories on things. It will humanize the post, and you'll most likely see a lot of similiarities to today.
History repeats itself, as human nature never changes.

And extend the 7 west.

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