
Re: 75 ft cars and crossing between cars (4267)

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Posted by Steve on Sun May 10 11:46:47 1998, in response to Re: 75 ft cars and crossing between cars,
posted by Dan Schwartz on Sun May 10 10:58:55 1998.

End doors on R-44, 46, 68 and 68A cars are locked mechanically and electrically. In the case of an 'emergency', the doors can be unlocked trainline by the flip of a switch on the Train Operators console. As we saw last week, so tragically once again, some individuals seem to think that the subways are a form of Urban Amusement Park. I am not only referring to the young man who lost his life, but also his friend, and the other people who saw this kid playing a very dangerous game and did nothing to stop it.

If we were to make the end doors accessible by brwaking a plastic cover, there'd be the usual jerk who'd rationalize 'his special need' to get to the front of the train. Before long there would be no covers and people would begin falling between cars. There are times, in the performance of my duties, that I am required to cross between the cars on the A or D lines. Despite the fact that I am clearly identified by a safety vest, people will sometimes attempt to follow me simply for the sake of doing it. That may be human nature but it calls into question how much we can count on common sense to control behavior.

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