
Re: A&S exit into Hoyt street IRT station. (311083)

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Posted by Eric B on Sat Jan 12 20:03:04 2002, in response to Re: A&S exit into Hoyt street IRT station.,
posted by Ed Sachs on Fri Jan 11 20:48:07 2002.

I had fond memories of it too--it was almost as grand as Macy's Herald Sq., and am now disgusted that Macy's has left it in its bankrupt state. It's not 1 floor that is closed, it's 3-- 6th-8th. This started in the 70's when there was some flood damage on 8 and A&S didn't uave the money to repair it. Then 6 and 7 eventually closed to merhandise (they have refunds or something there; otherwise, it is office and storage. Storage used to be in the building across the street; furniture was on the ground floor under the parking lot building across Hoyt, and there qwas also retail space on the 4th floor, connected by a bridge over Hoty. That is now stock space. Where McDonald's is used to be a nut store or something that was connected indoors to the men's dept.
Everything remains scaled down, and around Christmas time it is so cluttered, esp. on the ground floor, and with all that former retail space upstairs. Why is "The Cellar" still on the 5th (now the top) floor where A & S had it? There used to be a huge tree with giant ornaments hung from the ceiling of the elevator bank on the ground floor Christmas time, but when I stop by in the fall, counters have been set up on one whole side, and only about 2 cars run. It is horrible, especially compared to Macy's in Manhattan. The people are treated like cattle, and I asked a manager why they wouldn't restore it and make it as good as Herald Sq., and he says "that store is a 'different animal'", and that they didn't want to spend the money. I guess when downtown Brooklyn really comes back, and is no longer predominated by one class of people, then they will rebuild it back. (I guess we're lucky they didn't close it like the others).

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