
Re: Where Do You Say You Live? (217649)

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Posted by Keystone Pete on Fri May 4 16:51:49 2001, in response to Where Do You Say You Live?,
posted by Paul Matus on Fri May 4 13:45:18 2001.

Well, usually I just say, "in Relative Obscurity," but if I'm feeling like elaborating...

Answers to "Where do you live?":

To people in New York City and vicinity:
"Astoria" (even though I'm technically in "Long Island City," which seems to evoke images of abandoned factories and strip clubs), although those of us who live in my neighborhood who are not from New York originally will still say we are going "into the city" when we're talking about hopping on the 'N' or the 'R' for a 10 minute trip to Manny-hattie.

To most people where I grew up:
"New York City."

To the less geographically-challenged where I grew up:

Answers to "Where did you grow up?"
[a question asked of me by New Yorkers when they hear my lack-of-accent, mid-american speech (not midwest american speech, mind you -- my vowels are most definitely not as flat as the topography between the Alleghenies and the Rockies):

To people in New York City and vicinity:
"Pennsylvania" (most of them are then thinking I mean either Philadelphia or the Poconos)

To the less geographically-challenged in New York City and vicinity:
"Harrisburg," which might as well be "Columbus" or "Springfield" since the world ends at the Hudson, as you know. Sometimes if people still look at me blankly I mention Three Mile Island and challenge them to turn off the lights to see if I glow.

To people where I grew up, or people who look like they might belong to Book of the Month Club:
"Camp Hill" which is to Harrisburg what Darien is to New York (small, insular, and all-white, unfortunately), and also the home of the mail-order book concern.


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