
Re: Closed IND Exits (Longish Post) (105365)

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Posted by avid reader on Mon Mar 20 07:49:47 2000, in response to Re: Closed IND Exits (Longish Post),
posted by Keystone Pete on Sun Mar 19 01:59:23 2000.

Wish we had one at the north end of both platforms at Aquaduct/No.Conduit . It or they would solve a very big and very serious safety problem. The original grand stands of the old track were closer to the station. Rebuilding it and the TA rake over made the current token booth the furthest from the public. It's right on North Conduit Ave, which is a four lane service road to the Belt. During the Rush hours, some people are dropped or picked up at the No. Conduit end. This Causes traffic delays when dropping off riders. The worst part is in the evening when riders are picked up,because of the NO PARKING EVER, drivers choose to pull up and park on the sidewalks. I've counted as many as four cars parked on and blocking the sidewalks. The best part is when they attempt to leave, by driving across four lanes of rush hour traffic to make a left turn across Cohancy ST. overpass.

The iron maidens are only unlocked during Racing season , 6:00 am thru 9:00 pm .

The north end would be a safer pickup point all year long and an entrance (iron maiden) on the North bound platform would save neighboring riders about a half mile walk.

I doubt if this will ever come to pass, it has a little logic to it.

avid avid.

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